Hailey Gearo Hailey Gearo

Glitter & Tears

Glitter & Tears a solo show curated and created be me! This show is a year in the making. I got the acceptance and offer email from Doughtery Arts Center last year in the spring. To say I was so excited is an understatement. I actually cried and called my mom to celebrate the great news. Something that no one tells you about being an artist is the constant rejection. Not only putting yourself out there but also laying your passion out to be judged never really gets easier, but it does make the wins even more grand.

This win was one that was so very validating. With a sprinkle of fear. But I couldn’t let that hold me back from producing a beautiful show. After about 9 months I created 18 pieces scaling from 14X14 to 48X52, which is my biggest size yet. While creating these works my style evolved as I played with new techniques to push the details further. During this time I also added more layers to the lore of my dreamscapes.

We now have added Rapture and Decay to the different worlds within my mind. They are two mixed states, Rapture and Decay. These places are my mental limbo, transitions in the inbetween. Rapture is the progression from a low to a high. The slow climb from Grim to Phantasmal. The second metamorphosis is high to low, Decay. Decay is the slow painful rot from Phantasmal to Grim.

I have also began to branch off to explore specific trade marks or styles within the Grim realm. Mimicking the black and white signature line in each piece these are close up snap shots of the echoing hollows of the dot work. This black and white paintings are called Desolate of Grim. They act as an outlet for me to work through my anxiety. I find the repeating patterns to be very comforting to create. And within a collection of work they act as visual spacers. Something to give your eye a rest from the very stimulating bright colorful art. All while tying everything together stunningly.

I could go on forever about Glitter & Tears but it would be better to be experienced in person. If you are in the Austin Texas area you definitely have to go see the show. The Opening is February 8th 1-3pm at the Doughtery Arts Center. The show will be up for a couple of months too so if you can’t make the opening there is still plenty of time to check out all my hard work.

I hope to see you guys there!!

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Hailey Gearo Hailey Gearo

2025 Here We Come!!!

Blessed and highly favored is the energy I’m bringing into 2025!

Hi everyone and happy new year. I hope everyone had a great holiday season filled with rest, time with loved ones, and tasty treats. Cause I know I did :).

After wrapping up the year with rest and indulging; I have gotten my goals together for the next year. The themes for 2025 are consistency and dedication. Fully becoming the women of my dreams. Showing up for myself is often so hard. So Im making self care, dedications to and for my future self.

To achieve this Im going to manifest through cosplay. How does the artist I want to be look like? What kind of habits do they have? How do they structure their day? What do they prioritize? Fake it til you make it if you will.

Embody these things, and reality will follow. For 2025 I am claiming sustainability, creative growth, and joy. This energy and this energy only.


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Hailey Gearo Hailey Gearo

2024 Studio Tours Blog And End Of Year Wrap Up!

It all begins with an idea.

I’m still buzzing from all the excitement of this past weekend. Its been one of those kinds of weekends that’s so beautifully chaotic and full that you don’t even know what’s happening until you get a moment to rest and reflect. And after that time to recuperate I feel so blessed.

Weekends like this are a reminder of how far I’v come in my personal journey to becoming a full time artist. I got to see some of my collectors, network with so many incredible artists, and connect with others through my art. So often it’s easy to get hung up on the big picture, the end goal, that you don’t appreciate the process of learning and getting better.

The tours this year have really showed me that my work is appreciated but more importantly impactful to those who slow down to get lost in my worlds. That I am very much doing what I’m meant to be. That I am improving. And that I still have room to grow and the support to bloom fully. So excited to continue to develop and see where this path takes me.

Next year is just around the corner and I’m hitting the ground running. I will be having a solo show at the start of the year (SUPER EXCITED about this). And I will also be in a small group show at the Carver Museum. Both of which I’ll share more about in January, so definitely keep and eye out for that.

Chat soon!!! Bye :)

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Hailey Gearo Hailey Gearo

Blog Post Loading………

It all begins with an idea.

A new blog post will be available in January 2026. Excited to share more about things in my life, inspiration, and exciting news. See you in the new year!!!

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